Version 1.2.25 (2021-12-30): - Fixed an NPE caused by a stray top-level semicolon. Version 1.2.24 (2020-08-26): - SuppressionRegex filter: Added a parameter "influence", so now this filter is an almost-complete replacement for the Standard SuppressWithNearbyCommentFilter (which is limited to Checker-based checks). (And since CS version 8.21, LineLengthCheck is no longer Checker-based.) - WrapTryCheck: Could not handle TRY statements with *only* a resource specification (and no CATCHES and no FINALLY). Version 1.2.23 (2020-01-23): - Now cs-contrib functions both with CS <=8.20 and CS >=8.21. Version 1.2.22 (2020-01-22): - Moved the cs-contrib core functionality (which is independent from eclipse-cs) to a new GITHUB / MAVEN project "de.unkrig.checkstyle:cs-contrib). THIS project merely wraps that new library. - Fixed one bug that (again) led to strange CS error messages. Version 1.2.21 (2020-01-08): - Checkstyle had an incompatible change in version 8.21; CS-CONTRIB 1.2.20 works with CS <= 8.20, CS-CONTRIB 1.2.21 works with CS >= 8.21. Version 1.2.20 (2019-02-25): - Whitespace check: Added support for method references, including the distinction between a "normal" NEW and NEW in the context of a method reference. Version 1.2.19 (2019-02-19): - Alignment check: "applyToMethodBody" not only checks the "{", but also the "}". Version 1.2.18 (2019-01-29): - Eliminated dependency on the "TokenUtil(s)" class. Version 1.2.17 (2019-01-22): - CS 8.7 changed the return type of "FileContents.getSingleLineComments()" => NoSuchMethodError. Fixed. Version 1.2.16 (2018-01-11): - cs-contrib is now based on CheckStyle / eclipse-cs version 8.5. (CheckStyle Version 8.2 had breaking changes!) Version 1.2.15 (2017-11-09): - CppCommentAlignment check: For statement lists and SWITCH statements, tolerate different alignments if lines are not consecutive. Version 1.2.14 (2017-10-04): - cs-contrib is now based on CheckStyle / eclipse-cs version 8.0.0. Version 1.2.13 (2017-09-05): - Fixed another compatibility issue with CS 6.19. Version 1.2.12 (2017-09-05): - Added filter "SuppressionRegex". - Fixed a compatibility issue with CS 6.19. Version 1.2.11 (2016-02-19): - NPE on empty method invocation argument list. Version 1.2.10 (2016-02-19): - Continued work on CppCommentAlignment. - Added "DEFAULT__MOD" (the modifier "default" for interface method declarations). Version 1.2.9 (2016-02-07): - The fix in version 1.2.7 is now obsolete, because the missing anonymous class .class file were only SEEMINGLY the reason for the problem. - WrapMethod: Parameter wrapping was not checked properly. - Alignment: The "case group alignment check" now applies not only to "case:" groups, but also to the "default:" group. - Whitespace: The name of an "inferred lambda parameter" is now a Java element of its own ("NAME__INFERRED_PARAM"), because the "whitespace before" rule must distinguish between the two. Version 1.2.8 (2016-01-18): - PDE uses a different classpath than ECLIPSE - hence garnishes the class files with "Unresolved compilation problem"s. Version 1.2.7 (2016-01-15): - Version 1.2.6 was broken because the class files for anonymous classes were missing from the plug-ins' JAR files (PDE bug). Version 1.2.6 (2015-12-30): - Support for lambda parameters. - Support for TRY-with-resources. - Full P2 compliance (update site now serves 'artifacts.jar' and 'content.jar'). Version 1.2.5 (2015-09-30): - "InnerAssignment" produced a false positive on TRY-with-resources. - Beautified the CSDOC comments for the generated edocumentation. Version 1.2.4 (2015-08-31): - Made the code more robust against unexpected tokens. Version 1.2.3 (2015-08-28): - Switched from generated MEDIAWIKI documentation to generated HTML documentation. Version 1.2.2 (2015-08-16): - de.unkrig.Whitespace: "(R|L)_ANGLE__TYPE_PARAMS" didn't work (typo). - Moved "de.unkrig.doclet.cs.jar" from the CORE project to the DIST project, so it doesn't get packaged with the plug-in. Version 1.2.1 (2015-07-29): - Re-introduced the ""s for the rules. Version 1.2.0 (2015-07-28): - WrapAndIndent: Property 'wrapArrayInitBeforeLCurly' now also applies to ANNOTATION array initializers. - WrapAndIndent: Not only array initializers, method calls and enum definitions may have MUTIPLE values in one line, but now also ANNOTATION array initializers. - German localization of quickfix labels and descriptions was missing. - Check documentation (generated automatically by cs-doclet and translated manually into german) now includes the relevant quickfixes. - Replaced "WrapAndIndent" with 15 new checks named "Wrap...Check", because "WrapAndIndent" had way too many parameters. Version 1.1.0 (2014-12-30): - All meta files and online documentation is now generated wit "cs-doclet". - Added german localization. Version 1.0.21 (2014-12-16): - Introduced 'LocalTokenType' for compatibility with ALL CheckStyle versions 5.X and 6.X. ^ | THESE VERSIONS ARE COMPATIBLE WITH ALL CHECKSTYLE VERSIONS 5.x AND 6.x ------------------------- THESE VERSIONS ARE FOR CHECKSTYLE VERSIONS 5.8 AND OLDER | v Version 1.0.20 (2014-11-19): - Whitespace: Type parameters of constructors were not recognized as 'method/constructor type parameters'. Version 1.0.19 (2014-11-01): - WrapAndIndent: Added the 'wrapPackageDeclBeforePackage' option. Version 1.0.18 (2014-04-10): - Whitespace: 'class X extends Y.Z {' caused "'>' is followed by whitespace (option 'R_ANGLE__METH_INVOCATION_TYPE_ARGS')". Version 1.0.17 (2014-03-26): - WrapAndIndent: Added properties 'wrapTryBeforeCatch' and 'wrapTryBeforeFinally' Version 1.0.16 (2014-01-17): - WrapAndIndent: Quickfixes now honor the Java formatter's TAB_CHAR setting (space, tab, mixed). - CppCommentAlignment: Complete rewrite; operates AST-based now. Version 1.0.15 (2014-01-09): - Added the 'de.unkrig.CppCommentAlignment' check. Version 1.0.14 (2014-01-08): - AstUtil.toJavaElement(): Angle brackets: Type arguments were falsely identified as method invocation type arguments if the type was QUALIFIED (e.g. "Map.Entry<...>"). Version 1.0.13 (2013-12-02): - 'AbstractDocumentResolution' now parses the message's arguments. - quickfixes/WrapAndIndent3: '{0} must appear in column {1} not {2}' is now corretly fixed. Version 1.0.12 (2013-12-01): - Removed 'whitespaceBefore / void', because 'void.class' may legally appear with preceding whitespace. - WrapAndIndent: Check wrapping before and after binary operators. - WrapAndIndent: Array index operations were not properly checked. - WrapAndIndent: 'Object[].class' crashed the expression wrapping check. Version 1.0.11 (2013-07-19): - ZeroParameterSuperconstructorInvocation: Do not regard QUALIFIED zero-parameter superconstructor invocations as redundant. - WrapAndIndent: Check wrapping before and after binary operators. - WrapAndIndent: Array index operations were not properly checked. - WrapAndIndent: 'Object[].class' crashed the expression wrapping check. - Whitespace: Fixed up 'SUPER_CTOR_CALL' and 'R_PAREN__PARENTHESIZED'. - WrapAndIndent: 'Join' quickfix: fixed up space insertion. Version 1.0.10 (2013-07-19): - Added more 'JavaElement's. - Fixed some more misspelled 'JavaElement' constants ('..._DEF' => '..._DECL'). - Completed the documentation of the 'de.unkrig.Alignment' check. - WrapAndIndent: Checking of 'void.class' and 'MyType[].class' didn't work. - WrapAndIndent: Whether one-liners (ClassDecl, InterfaceDecl, EnumDecl, AnnoDecl, CtorDecl, MethDecl, SwitchBlockStmtGroup) are allowed is now configurable. - WrapAndIndent: Whether declarations must/must not be wrapped (ClassDeclBeforeClass, InterfaceDeclBeforeInterface, EnumDeclBeforeEnum, AnnoDeclBeforeAt, FieldDeclBeforeName, CtorDeclBeforeName, MethDeclBeforeName, LocVarDeclBeforeName) is now configurable. - WrapAndIndent: Whether one must/must not wrap before lcurly (TypeDecl, CtorDecl, MethodDecl, Do, ArrayInit, AnonClassDecl) is now configurable. Version 1.0.9 (2013-07-14): - Fixed some misspelled 'JavaElement' constants ('..._DEF' => '..._DECL'). - 'SEMI__ENUM_DECL' didn't work. Version 1.0.8 (2013-07-12): - NameSpelling: ConfigurationException was thrown when 'requiredModifiers' or 'missingModifiers' were non-empty. - Added the 'de.unkrig.Whitespace' check, which supersedes all other whitespace-related checks. Version 1.0.7 (2013-07-01): - de.unkrig.WhitespaceAround: Property 'ignoreEnhancedForColon' was missing. - de.unkrig.WhitespaceAround: Clarified the description. Versions 1.0.6 and before: No change log available.